This book Confession by a British spy, translated from the book (Muzakkarat-ul Mister Hempher) which was published in Cairo by (Dâr-ul-kitâb-is-sufi), consists of the memoirs of Hempher, one of the thousands of spies, men or women, send to islamic countries by Ministry of the British Colonies, to demolish the Islamic religion. In this confession, the spy, Hempher, disclosed the lies and slanders fabricated by the Ministry; how he had deceived Muhammad bin Abdulwahhab, the founder of Wahhâbism; how he had strived to divide Muslims into groups and to corrupt their religion.
We have prepared this book of ours in three sections:
The first section, which consists of seven parts, comprises the slanders of the British spy. They were designed by the British for the purpose of annihilating Islam.
The second section relates how the British insidiously put their treacherous plans into practice in Muslim countries, how they deceived statesmen, how they inflicted unimaginably bitter torments on Muslims, and how they destroyed the Indian and the Ottoman States. How the Jews and the British attacked Islam is reported with quotations from Hakîkat-ul-Yehûd, which was written by Fuâd bin Abdurrahman Rufâî and published by Mektebetussahâbetul Islamiyye in Kuwait-Safât-Salimiyya. This section of our book is corroborated with documents which will awaken those poor Muslims who are entrapped by the Wahhabis and will support the writings of the scholars of the Ahl as-sunna.
I shared to a revert group. May Allah increase you in hasanat.
islam_in_our_hearts / لا إله إلا الله
Let’s spread the love of islam.
Bin AbdulKarim
What a great job.
ibadisaidi440 / TEACHER IBADI
Tomorrow is Friday, as usual we will pray, we appreciate and cherish your presence Allah bless you open doors of livelihood, give you happiness and good health our beloved, peace, love, mercy of Allah be upon you. May Allah give you and all people around you peace , health happiness.
hassane abdoulaye
la religion mislman
Fatima Soilihi
Macha Allah Baraka Adhahou
Barakal lah...
Aaliya faizal
Ur salat videos very informative. Thank you. I forword to kids too.