Since Âdam ’alaihis-salâm, there was namâz once a day in every religion. All that had been performed were brought together and were made fard (commandment) for those who believe in Muhammad ’alaihis-salâm. Although performing namâz is not one of the principles of îmân, it is essential for îmân to believe that namâz is fard. Namâz is the main pillar of the religion. He who performs his namâzes constantly, correctly and completely will have set up his religion and he will have made the building of Islam stay intact. Those who do not perform namâz will have demolished their religion and the building of Islam. Our Prophet “sall-Allâhu ’alaihi wa sallam” said, “The head of our religion is namâz.” As no human can live without a head, it is not possible to have religion without namâz
i always really loved reading islamic books but really didnt know where to find good ones....but then here u are😊😊 Thank you soo much for sharing such beneficial things,Im really happy to get the chance of reading these all beneficial books JAZALLAH KHAIR!
Masyitah / msyiith._
Thank you so much So sweet of you ❤️ Thanks for offering me this really benaficious knowledge in a form of ebook 🥰 May Allah reward you, your family and your friend with heaven insyaaAllah
Bonjour la Communauté Islamique.
Je peux donner aucun commentaire pour le moment car, les documents sont édités dans les langues que je ne maîtrise pas. Je souhaite les avoir en français. Merci.
ISSAM ghadie
May Allah bless you
Didier akon
Je préfère trop cette application
Salat book.
Dim.. / diman_rm
it is a wonderful job👍 i will support you..
صنعاء بني الحارث الغراس
Allah almighty bless you all
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